Greetings for a healthy, peaceful, and love filled New Year!
For many years, I have devoted myself in getting to know the special needs community and this I owe Susannah Lovegrove and her family a great deal for bringing me into the most beautiful world consisting of the kindest, most loving, purest, sweetest, most innocent children and most of all very talented. I thank the Lovegrove family for sharing their precious daughter with me, for trusting me with her daily well being. Because of her, I met many of you and my family and my world has expanded. The special needs community has brought me many life changing experiences and had helped me see the world differently. Children with intellectual disability when given the chance can change each one of us into much better human beings with more empathy and love for one another with no boundaries. It is is a great world where we live in if we continue to embrace these children and find ways to include them in our lives. For many years of being involved with many organizations and the activities they offer, I have finally decided to start my own program designed to target the much needed area that is to accommodate the growing number of young adults needing a meaningful and more interactive day activities. I hope you spend time to browse on the classes I offer and join my project so that we can grow together. I have chosen some educators of whom you are familiar with and also share the same vision like mine. I would like to create a world of compassionate individuals to serve the population who need us the most-our children with special needs.
Thank you very much. Best wishes, Elma
